First....We had decided to open "family" presents on Christmas Eve. The mistake was telling Jameson that fact sometime yesterday MORNING (what was I thinking). SO, for the entire day, he kept asking "When are we going to open presents? Is it time now? Now? Now? NOW? So he thought he would make our jobs easier by labeling them for us.....
Next..... We draw names for all the kids in Marty's family, and Jameson drew our 18 y.o. nephew's name. He wanted money for his That's exactly what we got him....
If you look closely, each quarter is TAPED together in SHEETS!
We decided to leave a little note for explaination....
Here is the living room AFTER Santa came, but BEFORE the kiddo's realized that.....
OK, the kiddo's have realized Santa has arrived....
Every 6 y.o. boy needs a gun for Christmas..... (A Christmas Story, anyone?)
Chelsea with one of her multiple television/movie star gifts...
Jameson decided to organize his gifts for us....
After it's all over.....a mere 30 minutes later.....
Our house was just as trashed! I can't believe you went through my entire blog!! tee hee - I'm honored! Thanks for visiting!
No Kim, I am the honored one! LOL! I did see that we....errr, SANTA.....bought our gift wrap at the same!