Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You would think with snow days, I could get something done!

Currently I am enjoying day 3 of Snowmageddon 2011.  No school, no work (for me), everything around here is covered in a sheet of ice, but thankfully, we still have power (YAY Alabama Power!).  

You would think I could get something done around this place.

I've been reading Twitter feeds, and Facebook status updates where everyone is using their free time finishing projects, doing laundry, cleaning house, cleaning out closets...

Not me.

I've been LAZY!
Jameson and I did have fun trying to play in the snow yesterday, but when it's a sheet of ice, then a layer of snow, covered in a layer of ice.... it's not the ideal situation for making snowmen.  But we had fun anyway.

One day, the front of our house will be done and we WILL have landscaping!

Jameson trying, unsuccessfully, to make a snow angel.

Trying in a different spot.....still not working.

 Poor deer. Still hanging out in the backyard and now covered in a sheet of ice.

I swear, he ate so much ice out there. 

These are my rain snow boots that everyone on Facebook made fun of me about.  It hurt my feelings.  :o(

Our mailbox covered with a sheet of ice.

This ice came off the knob of the mailbox.  I thought it was so cool!

Jameson has decided that he's had enough of the ice, and doesn't want to go out and play in it again today, so it looks like another lazy day in the house!

Maybe I will go try to clean a closet!


Oh, and as much as this PAINS me....

(Photo from the Official Auburn Tigers Facebook Fan page)

Congratulations to the Auburn Tigers, National Champions!

Way to bring that NC title back to the state of Alabama!

2 Heisman winners in a row/2 National Championships in a row for the state!

The game was definitely a nail biter until the end!

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