Monday, June 15, 2009

Guess What I'm Doing All Week?

(Some information edited out, you know, so I don't get any crazy stalkers or And YES, I know that my name has 2 "B's" in it....long story)

I KNOW you are all SO JEALOUS of me right now!

I know every day ya'll pray to get a Jury Summons in the mail.

Don't be a hater, yours will come soon enough....I'm sure!


Today was very interesting.

After giving out a lot of personal information to 300 or so of my newest "friends" (which consisted of lawyers, judges, fellow potential jurors, criminals defendant's, and defendant's families), I was told that I had been "struck" from the pool today.

I'm a little hurt.

Why didn't they like me?

I was really looking forward to spending the rest of my week sitting in that Juror's room.


Oh well, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to be raked over the coals questioned.

Ha Ha Ha!!

Have YOU ever been called for jury duty?