Last night, I went WAY out of my comfort zone.....
I decided that I was going to drive into the heart of downtown Atlanta, all by myself, only armed with a Coke Zero and my Mapquest directions.....
Oh, and a couple of copies of The Pioneer Woman's cookbook!
Yes, last night was the night I took the plunge and set out to meet Pioneer Woman....
and was I very successful!
I left work a little early (Thanks Daphne), and headed out into rush hour traffic.
I was terrified!
But other than an unfortunate little trip down the HOV lane (the directions said to stay in the FAR left-hand lane....well, DUH, the FAR left-hand lane just happens to be the HOV lane), I almost made it straight there!
I only missed one turn, but that was the Mapquest's fault too.....
Yeah, Mapquest.
Well, I made it to Borders right around 6:00 P.M.
GREAT......a full hour-and-a-half early!
I was going to be right at the first of the line!
Little did I know, Borders started handing out wrist bands when they opened early that morning....
AND, they had moved the signing UP to 6:00.....NOT 7:30.
Thank goodness that I did NOT know this before I got there.....I would have FREAKED OUT!
So, I quickly got my wristband, and stood in line forever to buy another book to be signed (Mari, get in touch with me please), and just about passed out when she told me how much the book would be. It was over DOUBLE the price. But I needed it, so I reluctantly bought it and ran upstairs.
When I first got upstairs, I didn't think there were many people there.....

The closer I got to the back of the store, the MORE crazed, scarf-wearing, cookbook toting women I saw!

By the time I got "in line", I saw at least 500 people (could have easily been double that number), waiting to get a glimpse of Ree.
We didn't have to wait long....within minutes, Ree makes her way through the crowd, bringing along two surprises.....her sister, Betsy and her best friend, Hyacinth.
Normally, when you actually meet someone in person that you have seen on television (or online), they never really "look" like you thought they would....
this time, they looked even better!
I couldn't believe how absolutely GORGEOUS all three of these women were!
I was instantly star-struck!
Ree immediately gets to work, cheerfully greeting, talking, signing, and smiling for photographs.
Her energy was just contagious!
The line didn't seem to move as we stood there....then we figured out what the wrist bands were for.
Each band was a particular color, and then each band had a letter written on it. My band was florescent green, with the letter "B".

There was NO line. They determined your "order" by the color and number on your band.
So I thought "Oh, OK, I've got a "B" on my band, so I shouldn't have to wait too long....."
They started out with ORANGE wrist-bands....
Orange "A"
Orange "B"
Orange "C".......
All the way to Orange "I"
Which just happened to be a mere 3 hours later!
The "Orange" wrist band people had picked up their bands EARLY that day....
Oh how I wished I was an Orange wrist band person.....
One GREAT thing about my long wait was one little surprise that walked in around the same time Ree came in....

Bakerella holding an "Alice" cut out. This lady made this for a friend that wasn't able to make it to the signing.
I {heart} Bakerella and her absolutely adorable creations. I don't see how in the world she can make all of her perfect miniature creations.
For Pioneer Woman, she made some delicious-looking cake balls with a teeny-tiny replica of Ree's cookbook on top.
People, the book had actual pages in it.

How precious is this?
Bakerella got a wrist band just like everyone else, and stood in line, just like everyone else. She refused offers to move to the front of the line, even though hundreds of women would have been MORE than willing to let her do that.
I am kinda glad, though. It was so great listening to her stories, including her story about meeting Ree for the first time, and spending time at the lodge.
She was just a SWEETHEART!
Around 9:00 pm, they called for the first "Green" wrist bands.
When they finally called "Green B", I ran to get in line.....which weaved through the stacks of books......
I did find some really interesting books while waiting in the line....

I could have used this book when I worked as a CNC machine operator 25 years ago....for real!

Where was this book when I was in college?


I also met several wonderful people while standing in line!

This is Ben and his twin sister, Emaline. They are 10 months old, and were just the most precious babies ever. They were SO good even though they had to wait 4 hours to see PW, too!
An hour later, we rounded the corner, and there she was.....

The Pioneer Woman!
FOUR hours after she first sat down, she was still just as cheerful, energetic, funny, and gorgeous!
Ree, I want your secret....SHARE PLEASE!
She signed all my books, and she even cheerfully signed a copy of The Munford Weekly (my mom's newspaper) which was a supposed "No No" with the rules....
I'm a rebel like that, you know.

I also got a couple of pictures of my new friends with Ree:

The lady in the gray sweater, had NINE books for Ree to sign!

Here is Emaline, Ben and their Mother, Chloe. She was one brave woman!!
I also want to say "Hey!" to Scarlett who had already posted on my blog before I got home! (I was bad and didn't get a picture, though...sorry!)
I didn't want to leave, but there were still
about 500 people waiting to get their own moment with Ree....
**sigh** Bye Ree...
I guess I will share you with the rest of the people....
So I moved on to the table where Hyacinth and Betsy were sitting and had a conversation with them, too. They were also so sweet and funny! They signed my books, too!

I was also able to snag my FREE, absolutely adorable new Pioneer Woman t-shirt! There is NO WAY it will fit this big ol' body, but Chelsea will LOVE IT!


After exchanging a few e-mails with new friends, I said goodbye to my adventure and headed back to Alabama.
A mere 2 hours later, I was home sweet home.
Considering it was midnight, and I had been up since 5:00 am, I should have been exhausted, but I was just too excited to sleep.
I downloaded my pictures, sent some e-mails, Twittered and FaceBooked until I finally crashed about 1:00 am.
It was a LONG 20 hour day, but it was definitely worth it!
THANK YOU Ree, Betsy, Hyacinth, and Bakerella for making my adventure SO worth it!
Oh, I guess some of you want to know who actually won the autographed copy of Ree's cookbook......
The winner is:

Beth Collett!
Beth is actually a real-life friend of mine who has been reading my blog almost from the very beginning. She wrote to me on Facebook in a panic because she couldn't get her comment to post. So I added her name, and I couldn't believe it when Jameson pulled her name out of the hat
Well, actually, he pulled MY picture out of the hat since I was the one who put her comment there....which confused my poor baby. He didn't understand why I was winning my own!
Congratulations Beth and just let me know if you want your book TODAY, or if you can wait until Sunday!
Thank you all for entering and I hope to be having more giveaways soon!
I decided that I was going to drive into the heart of downtown Atlanta, all by myself, only armed with a Coke Zero and my Mapquest directions.....
Oh, and a couple of copies of The Pioneer Woman's cookbook!
Yes, last night was the night I took the plunge and set out to meet Pioneer Woman....
and was I very successful!
I left work a little early (Thanks Daphne), and headed out into rush hour traffic.
I was terrified!
But other than an unfortunate little trip down the HOV lane (the directions said to stay in the FAR left-hand lane....well, DUH, the FAR left-hand lane just happens to be the HOV lane), I almost made it straight there!
I only missed one turn, but that was the Mapquest's fault too.....
Yeah, Mapquest.
Well, I made it to Borders right around 6:00 P.M.
GREAT......a full hour-and-a-half early!
I was going to be right at the first of the line!
Little did I know, Borders started handing out wrist bands when they opened early that morning....
AND, they had moved the signing UP to 6:00.....NOT 7:30.
Thank goodness that I did NOT know this before I got there.....I would have FREAKED OUT!
So, I quickly got my wristband, and stood in line forever to buy another book to be signed (Mari, get in touch with me please), and just about passed out when she told me how much the book would be. It was over DOUBLE the price. But I needed it, so I reluctantly bought it and ran upstairs.
When I first got upstairs, I didn't think there were many people there.....
The closer I got to the back of the store, the MORE crazed, scarf-wearing, cookbook toting women I saw!
By the time I got "in line", I saw at least 500 people (could have easily been double that number), waiting to get a glimpse of Ree.
We didn't have to wait long....within minutes, Ree makes her way through the crowd, bringing along two surprises.....her sister, Betsy and her best friend, Hyacinth.
Normally, when you actually meet someone in person that you have seen on television (or online), they never really "look" like you thought they would....
this time, they looked even better!
I couldn't believe how absolutely GORGEOUS all three of these women were!
I was instantly star-struck!
Ree immediately gets to work, cheerfully greeting, talking, signing, and smiling for photographs.
Her energy was just contagious!
The line didn't seem to move as we stood there....then we figured out what the wrist bands were for.
Each band was a particular color, and then each band had a letter written on it. My band was florescent green, with the letter "B".
There was NO line. They determined your "order" by the color and number on your band.
So I thought "Oh, OK, I've got a "B" on my band, so I shouldn't have to wait too long....."
They started out with ORANGE wrist-bands....
Orange "A"
Orange "B"
Orange "C".......
All the way to Orange "I"
Which just happened to be a mere 3 hours later!
The "Orange" wrist band people had picked up their bands EARLY that day....
Oh how I wished I was an Orange wrist band person.....
One GREAT thing about my long wait was one little surprise that walked in around the same time Ree came in....
Bakerella holding an "Alice" cut out. This lady made this for a friend that wasn't able to make it to the signing.
I {heart} Bakerella and her absolutely adorable creations. I don't see how in the world she can make all of her perfect miniature creations.
For Pioneer Woman, she made some delicious-looking cake balls with a teeny-tiny replica of Ree's cookbook on top.
People, the book had actual pages in it.
How precious is this?
Bakerella got a wrist band just like everyone else, and stood in line, just like everyone else. She refused offers to move to the front of the line, even though hundreds of women would have been MORE than willing to let her do that.
I am kinda glad, though. It was so great listening to her stories, including her story about meeting Ree for the first time, and spending time at the lodge.
She was just a SWEETHEART!
Around 9:00 pm, they called for the first "Green" wrist bands.
When they finally called "Green B", I ran to get in line.....which weaved through the stacks of books......
I did find some really interesting books while waiting in the line....
I could have used this book when I worked as a CNC machine operator 25 years ago....for real!
Where was this book when I was in college?
I also met several wonderful people while standing in line!
This is Ben and his twin sister, Emaline. They are 10 months old, and were just the most precious babies ever. They were SO good even though they had to wait 4 hours to see PW, too!
An hour later, we rounded the corner, and there she was.....
The Pioneer Woman!
FOUR hours after she first sat down, she was still just as cheerful, energetic, funny, and gorgeous!
Ree, I want your secret....SHARE PLEASE!
She signed all my books, and she even cheerfully signed a copy of The Munford Weekly (my mom's newspaper) which was a supposed "No No" with the rules....
I'm a rebel like that, you know.
I also got a couple of pictures of my new friends with Ree:
The lady in the gray sweater, had NINE books for Ree to sign!
Here is Emaline, Ben and their Mother, Chloe. She was one brave woman!!
I also want to say "Hey!" to Scarlett who had already posted on my blog before I got home! (I was bad and didn't get a picture, though...sorry!)
I didn't want to leave, but there were still
about 500 people waiting to get their own moment with Ree....
**sigh** Bye Ree...
I guess I will share you with the rest of the people....
So I moved on to the table where Hyacinth and Betsy were sitting and had a conversation with them, too. They were also so sweet and funny! They signed my books, too!
I was also able to snag my FREE, absolutely adorable new Pioneer Woman t-shirt! There is NO WAY it will fit this big ol' body, but Chelsea will LOVE IT!
After exchanging a few e-mails with new friends, I said goodbye to my adventure and headed back to Alabama.
A mere 2 hours later, I was home sweet home.
Considering it was midnight, and I had been up since 5:00 am, I should have been exhausted, but I was just too excited to sleep.
I downloaded my pictures, sent some e-mails, Twittered and FaceBooked until I finally crashed about 1:00 am.
It was a LONG 20 hour day, but it was definitely worth it!
THANK YOU Ree, Betsy, Hyacinth, and Bakerella for making my adventure SO worth it!
Oh, I guess some of you want to know who actually won the autographed copy of Ree's cookbook......
The winner is:
Beth Collett!
Beth is actually a real-life friend of mine who has been reading my blog almost from the very beginning. She wrote to me on Facebook in a panic because she couldn't get her comment to post. So I added her name, and I couldn't believe it when Jameson pulled her name out of the hat
Well, actually, he pulled MY picture out of the hat since I was the one who put her comment there....which confused my poor baby. He didn't understand why I was winning my own!
Congratulations Beth and just let me know if you want your book TODAY, or if you can wait until Sunday!
Thank you all for entering and I hope to be having more giveaways soon!
I'm SO jealous! Ree isn't heading up to New I live vicariously through all your lucky people!!! Thanks for sharing your encounter. Your excitement has definitely shown through!!!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading your blog so far! How lucky are you to meet PW and BAKERELLA??? LUCKY LADY!!! PW came to SLC right before my birthday but I knew there was no way I could take all 3 of my girls {all under 5} and get there in time. Its about two hours from needless to say I feel like I really missed the opportunity of a lifetime. Seriously I want to meet her or Bakerella more than anything in the whole wide world. Could you imagine staying at the lodge??
ReplyDeleteAnyway thanks for sharing your experience. I will live vicariously through your fun. :)
I had so much fun meeting you last night and standing in that LONG line. I'm loving your blog. :) Thanks again for the great pictures!
Sounds like you had an exciting day! I know who Bakerella is, but I don't know who the pioneer woman is? Well,except for reading about people meeting her on other blogs.
ReplyDeleteWow, what an awesome day you had! Loved the photos and your story of your adventure- you're so funny, and a great storyteller! Glad you had a good time and didnt get lost in Hotlanta! :D
ReplyDeleteRobin, I am so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone, it feels so good when you do! It looks like you have a fantastic time, meeting the Pioneer woman and Bakerella, how fun!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a wonderful time! :) That's awesome! And congrats to Beth!
ReplyDeleteI should've sent my book with you! I made her Pineapple Upside Down cake in an Iron Skillet over the weekend, omg, it is sooooo goooood!
ReplyDeleteOh, you lucky ducky!! And Beth, too.....what fun and how brave you were!! Hurray!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun adventure....great play by play...I am so jealous....
I miss you....hope all is well! Come by my blog I have Baby Kennedi's birthday pics posted...
Also a contest going on....
Hi there.
ReplyDeleteGreat meeting you last night. It was fun.
Great story- so happy it all worked out! What an incredible memory!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry we got separated but it was nice meeting you on Monday. I was your gum benefactor at the very start of the long, long evening.
I actually got lucky and was handed an orange wristband by a lady who had extras and saw my friends and I sitting patiently.
Glad you got back to AL safely!
It was fun meeting you the other night! Glad you made it back to AL safely! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is WOW!!!
ReplyDeleteLucky you!
Bravo on your considerable efforts!
ANNA! You lucky ORANGE bracelet! The final wait time ended up being 4 hours....and because of what you said about floors and furniture, I refused to sit!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad we got to meet each other!
Robin :o)
I'm so jealous that you got to meet her.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like so much fun! I didnt get to go when she was in Tulsa or Little Rock. Maybe they will schedule her in NW Arkansas sometime in the future!