Monday, April 18, 2011

Mama's Mumblings

Wow, this has been a wild and crazy weekend!

First of all, I would like to offer thoughts and prayers out to everyone who was affected by the horrible storms over the past few days.  Through the Internet, I've met so many wonderful people, and many of these people were touched by these storms in one way or another.  Praying this weather calms down for the rest of the season!


It was race weekend here in Talladega.  I don't watch the races like I once did, but it's always neat to see all the interesting people and things that flock to our neck of the woods twice a year.  My good buddy Dennis came this year and I was thrilled to get to hang out with him for a little while on Saturday morning!

(This is a picture from Spring 2009. I am waiting for Dennis to upload his pictures from this year....yeah, I'm a doofus and forgot my camera!  BAD BLOGGER!)

I did miss my good buddy, Gladys, though.  She decided not to make the trek to 'Dega this year and she was truly missed!

 (Spring race, 2009)


On Thursday night, our precious niece, Shelby, lost her balance and fell backwards into a fire pit, causing her her have second (and some third) degree burns on her hip, back and arm.

She is in a lot of pain, so we would appreciate any prayers you could send her way!

We love you very much, "Shebly"!


Because of the race, the kids were out of school Friday and today.  I took the day off so I didn't have to brave I-20 race traffic trying to get to work, and Mondays are Marty's off day for this that means we are ALL off together today!  It was really nice not to have to set an alarm this morning.  Marty snuck out at some point earlier and let me sleep in until 9:00!! That NEVER happens!  

I love when my kids are out of school.  I cannot wait until summer break gets here in a few weeks!!!


Today is tax day.  We filed our taxes in February, and have already received (and spent) our Federal refund, but totally forgot (until last night) that our payment to The State of Alabama will be coming out of our checking account today.  I really wished I would have paid it THEN instead of waiting until NOW.  Maybe I will remember to do that next year...haha!


I hope you all have a wonderful week!  I'm going to get off here and spend the rest of this beautiful day with my family!