My son just had his very first big-boy sleepover with our across-the-street neighbor. I thought to myself "Big deal, two little boys, how much trouble can they be?". Well, at 11:45 pm when they were still wide awake, I was rethinking the whole thing. THEN, at 6:45 am, when they both came in the bedroom jumping on my bed.....I was rethinking the whole kid thing all together. Oh, and did I mention.....my dear hubby conveniently had to work until 1:00 am last night (or this morning, whatever). I think that was planned from the start...GRRRRRRR.
So far, everything has been OK, except for the busted eardrums (mine) and the lack of sleep (me again). I think the boys are getting sick of each other because they are fussing and fighting constantly, but come to think of it, that's the way they normally act around each other. ***sigh*** BOYS!
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