Thank you for being such GREAT FRIENDS!
I am hoping that I can spread this story to others who may "need" it, so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. I have submitted the story to Serious.life.magazine.com (see the ad for the free subscription in my left hand bar) and the blogher website, but have yet to hear any response. Keep your fingers crossed!
Now, on to some other things.
We had some WICKED weather around these parts today! Some places had BASEBALL-sized hail! Most places only had quarter-to-golf ball-sized hail!
It was CRAZY!
We had several tornado warnings throughout the state and our county had it's share. Fortunately, all we got was wind and rain. I did get some great shots of the back of one of the storms. It did contain a tornado!
Here is a link to ABC 33/40's photo site. There are some AMAZING photos of hail, storm clouds, and tornadoes! There is even a photo of a hail stone that is the same size as a SNUFF can.
Yes,a snuff can...only in Alabama.
In the same note:
Prayers going out to the friends and neighbors of Kim Wheeler, from Endless Possibilities . Her neighborhood was hit by one of the many tornadoes ravaging the South today. In her last post, she said her house was spared, but many other's were not. There were also casualties in that particular storm.
Now, it's time for Robin's Slacker Crafting Corner.
A few weeks ago, The Nester, at The Nesting Place did a post about decorating with toile. She showed this beutiful Easter Egg that was covered in Toile tissue paper. She made it sound SO easy to make. SO, I decided to try it for myself.
First, the supplies:
Wooden Easter Eggs:
Mod Podge:
Tissue paper of your choice:
Isn't it pretty???
You also need some way to get the Mod Podge on your egg (like a foam brush).
If you want to, you can paint your eggs before you put the tissue paper on them. For some
Here they are, completely painted.
I underestimated how messy painting this little eggs would be, not to mention how many times those slippery little suckers slipped right out of my hand and bounced through the paint and across the floor:
And that is my FAVORITEST shirt, EVER!
Now the
And I will tell ya, this stuff STINKS!
(You wanna know how I took this picture?)
First, I tried covering the eggs with tiny pieces of paper:
That didn't work too well, so I decided to try covering them with large pieces of paper:
I just ended up with a BUMPY MESS!
Maybe they will look better once the Mod Podge is dry:
They probably would have turned out better if I hadn't just completely lost interest in the project after getting paint on my most favorite shirt ever.
It was all downhill after that!
Oh well, maybe I will try again next year with ready-made toile eggs!!
While I was working on Chelsea's post, I was very honored to receive two awards!
The first was from Kathy at Emptynester and the second was from "B"(trying to protect your anonymity...lol) at Confessions of a Preppy Bumpkin.
I am so Honored and Thrilled to receive these awards! Ya'll are the sweetest ladies ever!! I am planning on "paying it forward" very soon. I just need to think about it for a little while longer...lol! I mean, I want ALL of YA'LL to get these awards!!
And finally, make sure you come back next week....I am planning on doing my first ever giveaway! I will let ya'll know the details very soon!!
I hope that ya'll all will have a fantastic and wonderful Easter Holiday!!

I really don't think your eggs look all that bad. I am simply amazed that I didn't get Easter egg dye all over myself yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThat's so cool! Those would be so pretty in a bowl as a centerpiece...I think I will try it with wooden balls instead of eggs...hmmm. thanks for the inspiration! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliments....the photo's really don't do them justice...they really are uglier than they appear! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI noticed I had a mispelling, left out a part, and had a random line placement in my post....so much for trying to post at 1:00 AM!
Lisa, you are just the sweetest thing! I feel the exact same way about you (all)!!!
I wondered how close those storms came to yall! There was a couple bad storms near here too!
ReplyDeletehey girlie.. so glad the storms missed you! i read about kim's neighborhood.. and hoping the news isn't too bad.
ReplyDeleteeggs look fine! just pile them up in a nice antiqued silver bowl and they'll be gorgoeous! [it's called creative arrangement..hehe ;) at least that's what i try to do!]
you already know my view of your post on chelsea.. but i'll say it again.. what a BLESSING!!
have a wonderful EASTER!!
love & blessings,
I think your eggies look awesome! I had never thought of something like that... love the self portraits with painting the eggs! The puggies looked at me like I was carazy cause I was a laughing!
ReplyDeleteI love the storm pics too.. but I told you that on FB!
I so need to get back to blogging but I have nothing to blog about.
Well I think your eggies turned out cute. And not to worry - I look uglier in my pictures too. :-D
ReplyDeleteNext time, (cause I have made these, try ...
1) slightly crinkling the paper first as it softens it up, and then apply crinkled paper over the podge. And finally ...
2) once the paper is in place, coat with another layer of the podge and then roll them on a flat surface (or use a wallpaper seam edger) and push all the crinklies down and out.
Make sense?
Glad to hear you survived the storms. Ours were predicted worse than what we actually got - thanks to the Good Lord. The thunder and lightning were really bad, though. All four cats were huddled on the bed with us. LOL
Have a Joyous and Memorable Easter, My Dear Friend.
Love you! Barb
I love the eggs! I actually might have to try it.
ReplyDeletewell i think the eggs turned out great from here anyways!lol,really they look cute..
ReplyDeletei'm glad you guys are good and nothing major happend..thanks for stopping by you always leave me the nicest comments..have a good one my friend and the best to you this easter weekend..
Those eggs would make a lovely gift...how beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I have had modge podge in my cabinet for months now and haven't delved in. I think I'll make some Christmas eggs as gifts this year.