Well, not really,
It was a great day, but I was still sad.....
Yesterday was Chelsea's 17th Birthday!
I cannot believe it has been 17 years since that joyous, horrible, scary, insane, mind-numbing day that my triplets were born.
On one hand, it seems like yesterday we were told that our little girl wouldn't make it through the night, and on the other hand, it seems like it was a lifetime ago,
A dream,
Somebody elses' life.
But it wasn't somebody elses' life...
It WAS and still IS our life!
Our wonderful, unusual life!
Instead of having a big, fancy
The rules were.....there were no rules!
I told Chelsea she could go anywhere or do anything she wanted....I was just along to be the driver.
We started the day by opening presents.....Chelsea LOVE'S to open presents! (Of course, what person doesn't?)
Chelsea opening Jameson's gift....a star necklace that he picked out all by himself.
Chelsea thanking her baby brother!
This is the most beautiful necklace that my friend, Tracie from Chapel Lane Designs custom-made for my little girl! Tracie listened to my description of Chelsea, and created this one-of-a-kind necklace that fit her personality PERFECTLY!
(Tracie....SHE LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the necklace! It was the first thing she showed everybody!)
Go take a look at her FANTASTIC designs!
Her button is over there in my right sidebar ------->>>
Chelsea opening two pictures of "her man", Brandon Barash.
Now the presents are opened and the candles are blown out, she is ready for a brother-free day with mommy!
But BEFORE we get to Chelsea's "to-do" list, I had one more surprise for her....
We went to the courthouse and had and "official" Alabama ID made for her. An ID card looks the same as a standard driver's license, but with some changes that allow police officers to notice the difference. Chelsea will never be able to drive, but at least now, she has an official ID, just like all of her friends! She was THRILLED TO DEATH!
Now for Chelsea's picks for the day!
By the time we finally got finished with the ID process, we were starving, so off to one of Chelsea's favorite restaurants....
Los Mexicanos!
Marty and I first started eating at the original Los Mex when we were dating. We have been known to eat there two or three times a week! Through the years, we have continued to eat there, and the love of their food has passed on to our children!
I wanted to take pictures in the restaurant and have them sing "Happy Birthday" to her, but Chelsea said "NO WAY!" "I don't want you embarrassing me!" So, I left the camera in the car.
Much to MY dismay.
So, after a quiet, non-Happy Birthday singing lunch, we headed for her next picks...
Best Buy, where she ALMOST talked me into buying her a video I-pod. She ended up with a DVD and a CD. (The I-pod will have to wait until Christmas)
Dress Barn and Maurice's, where we got some cute clothes.
Then to Target for more clothes, some "high-heeled" shoes and browsing.
Then, in a spur-of-the-minute decision, we decided to get our hair cut!
Again, Chelsea didn't want me to bring the camera into the salon, so no pictures.
Chelsea always wants to keep her hair exactly the same, so mostly her bangs and the ends were trimmed up a bit. We did sneak in a layer or two, though.
I, on the other hand, got ALL of my hair whacked off. It's been exactly one year since I got my last cut, so am loving the shorter doo! I didn't have the stylist to blow and style it because it was getting late, so I will have to post pictures later.
So, after the hair cut, we headed back home and waited for Dad to get home.
Chelsea was so excited to show her daddy all of her birthday loot!
Chelsea showing off her new ID card.
Chelsea showing her stuff to her Nana.
We had an incredible and fantastic day together! Even though we didn't have a huge party or spend a lot of money, Chelsea thanked me over and over again. She kept saying "This has been the best birthday ever!" After she went home with her Nana, she called me at least 5 more times that night thanking me again and telling me how much fun she had.
She's not a baby anymore.
She is a beautiful, sweet, loving, smart, precious young woman.
Chelsea-Bell, you sure have come a long way!

I love you more than words could ever say and I wouldn't change you for anything in this world!