Today is a very special, but very sad, day in our little town. Today would be little Allie Brewer's first birthday.

This is what I wrote about Little Miss Allie on the day she passed away...
"Little Miss Allie Rebecca Brewer went to be with our Lord after 4 very special months here on Earth. You see, Allie's parents were told she wouldn't be born alive. During the pregnancy, instead of buying precious little girl clothes, diapers, and cute kick-knacks to fill a nursery, they were out buying a burial plot and headstone for their little angel. She surprised everyone by not only surviving the delivery, but coming home to live with her big brother Mason and her mommy and daddy, Susan and Michael. They were so surprised, they didn't even have clothes or diapers for her when she got home. They didn't have the baby bed set up either, but that was OK, because for the first week, she never left her parent's arms. Allie shocked all the doctor's by thriving at home. She ate and gained weight and even moved beyond newborn diapers. She smiled (when they were told she would never do anything) and just lit up the entire room. If anyone ever doubted the presence of GOD, all that doubt was ERASED when they saw precious little Allie. She has done more good for the Kingdom of God in her four little months here on Earth than most people do in an entire lifetime."
Allie passed away on January 14th of this year from complications of Trisomy 18.
Allie's parents, Susan and Michael have had a really rough year...from Allie's prenatal diagnosis, to her joyous birth, to her longer-than-predicted life, to her unexpected death. But throughout it all, they have been a shining example of a strong, Christian couple....always a smile on their faces, even though their tears. I admire them so much!
Susan and Michael were hoping they would be celebrating Allie's first birthday with her, but since that is not possible, they are celebrating her birth and her life in memory of her. This is what they are planning to do,(from their blog Standing on Faith)...
"Our precious baby girl passed away January 14, 2009 due to the chromosomal disorder, Trisomy 18. We were able to share 148 glorious days with her, and we thank God for allowing us enough time to get to know and love her. Our theme with her life was butterflies, so we felt that it was only appropriate to do a butterfly release on what would have been her first birthday. We also decided that we would like to release virtual butterflies on our blog, the day of her birthday, so that butterflies from all over could be released in her honor. All you need to do is send us an image of a butterfly, or an image of a butterfly item, etc... to the following email address: Feel free to send Allie a birthday message as well. If you do not wish to leave a message or your name, we would like to at least know where the butterfly comes from because we are wanting to incorporate the messages and locations with her slide show as well. Thank you all so much for your help with this special Birthday memorial. "
Of course, I wanted to participate, so here are a couple of pictures that I sent to them...

We love you Michael, Susan, Mason, Kenny, Linda, Steve and Sue! Know that all of our thoughts and prayers are with you today and every day!!
And to all of you who read this blog and don't know Michael and Susan IRL, THANK YOU for being so sweet and making such nice comments. I really do have the very best bloggie buddies in the world!
I promise to be back to my normal, dorky self for the rest of the week!
This is a wonderful post about our precious little Allie. You have been such a good friend to Michael and Susan. We love and appreciate you. Thanks for being there.
ReplyDeleteSo, so sad. My prayers go out to their family.
ReplyDeleteGod bless them.
ReplyDeleteGood day !.
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