Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fantastic Photos!

A few weeks ago, our family had our first-ever family portraits made.
Hubby has never been one to have his picture made, so talking him into this was a little bit of a challenge.

Fortunately for me, one of hubby's old high school friends is a photographer, and just happened to be coming home for Easter.

The conversation was something like this....
Me: "Honey, Roxanne is setting up some photo shoots in Oxford on the Saturday before Easter."

Marty: "Oh, OK."

Me: "Wouldn't it be great to finally have some professional family photos taken."

Marty: "Uh yeah, I would be nice to have some good pictures."

Me: "Well, I think I will see if Roxanne has a spot for us."

Marty: "Oh, OK."

I immediately booked a shoot with Roxanne during his moment of weakness!

Me after confirmation from Roxanne: "Great!  She's got a spot!  I can't wait to actually have a great family photo with all of us!"

Marty: "Wait, you mean we ALL have to have our pictures made?"

Me: "YES, that's normally what FAMILY photos mean."

Marty: "I thought you mean get pictures of you and the kids, I didn't know I had to be in them."

Me: "Well, you ARE part of this family, aren't you?"

Marty: "Yes, but, but, but....."

Me: "Oh well, it's too late to back out now.  I guess you will just have to endure the torture of having your pictures made."

Hubby was a little "put-out" with the whole idea, but he was nice about it and said he would do it....but ONLY with Roxanne as the photographer.


It's hard finding clothes that are similar in boys, mens, teens, and plus sizes!

I shouldn't have been nervous at all, Roxanne made the experience FANTASTIC!
We laughed so much, my stomach was literally sore from laughing.


The one thing that I was MOST worried about was Chelsea.

I would never say this in front of her, but it has always been difficult to get pictures of Chelsea that look like....well.....Chelsea.

When the camera is on her, she just tries SO HARD to smile and act like she thinks she should.

The problem is, she just tries TOO HARD.

Does anyone remember that episode of "Friends" where Chandler and Monica were having their engagement pictures made and Chandler just couldn't make a "normal" face?

That's Chelsea....Bless her heart.

Most of the time, we just make her laugh, so her picture looks "Natural", not staged.

She is just SO beautiful, and sweet, and precious....

I wanted pictures that showed her the way WE see her every single day.

Roxanne delivered.

Honestly, I cried my eyes out when I looked at these pictures.

She captured Chelsea the way we see Chelsea.

And for that, I am FOREVER grateful!

So, I guess you want to see them?

OK, goes....

(I left the watermark on these so some slimeball couldn't steal pictures of my kids....if anyone [ie :family, friends] wants a picture, let me know and I will send them to you)

I love the above photo.
See us all laughing?  That's how the ENTIRE photo shoot was.

Love, Love, Love this picture of all of us!

Chelsea was saying in this picture "Hurry up! Jameson is about to knock me over!"

This is one of our favorite pictures.  We like this one so much, we are going to have it put on a canvas and hang it above our couch in the living room.

Jameson is planning something.

What do you mean, I can't date boys?

Note to ALL big women out there....DO NOT wear hot pink, shiny, tight shirts to a photo shoot.  IT WON'T LOOK GOOD ON YOU!  Even if pink is "your color"!

Seriously, I really wished I had just left my original clothes on for the whole shoot.  I think it looked much better and was much more comfortable.

I TRIED to get Roxanne to Photoshop me to make it look like I was 100 pound lighter, but she didn't...

Dagum it!

These actions take my breath away!

"NO!" You cannot date boys!

He's smiling AND his eyes are open!

By this time, it was just about to rain and my hair was a flat as a flitter and sticking up!

Contact me for any potential modeling contracts.....


Didn't Roxanne do a great job?

Seriously, more than thrilled with all the pictures!

Hubby even said when it was over...
"You know, it wasn't TOO much torture!"

So, if you are in the Atlanta and surrounding areas, and want to have some super-fantastic photos made AND have a great time doing it?

I have placed her button on my sidebar to the left.
Just click on the picture to get in contact with her (or click HERE) and be prepared to have the time of your life!


(This is NOT a paid endorsement for RoPo Photography nor is the button on my sidebar a paid advertisement.  I am doing this post simply because I am so completely and totally amazed by these photos and by Roxanne!)