Thursday, July 29, 2010

Should I go all White-ish?

Since I finally have my rack hung in the dining room, I've been trying to decide what to put on it.  I originally thought I would put my odd collection of white dinner plates, but was upset to realize the shelves were too close together for the large plates to fit.

I've been looking through blog-land, and I have noticed the trend to go "all white" with decor:

So, on my recent browsing trips, I've picked up a few cheap white things:

Some not-so-white things:

And definitely-not-white things:

I also found some things that I picked up on clearance isles for next-to-nothing that didn't match at all:

But figured spray paint can cover a multitude of sins.  Here is what I have as of right now:

I want to get some "natural" orbs (balls) to go in the long white platter, and I definitely need to tone down the white of the things I painted.  They are just "too white".  I'm not planning on leaving everything placed just-so, with huge spaces between them, I just put them up there to see if the "white theme" would work, before I invested in a ton of other things.

I got the small toile plate at Hobby Lobby and I love it!  They have an entire set of different plates that have similar colors (brown, black, cream) that I want to buy more of.  But will have to wait until they go on sale since they are currently $9.99 each.

Does it look like I am headed in the right direction?