Thursday, January 6, 2011

I just bought the ugliest chair ever!

After reading about everyone's super-fantastic finds at their local thrift stores, I decided since the kiddos were in school, and most of the housework was done, I would go to my local thrift store and look around.
I specifically went looking for a large, pretty frame to doll up and hang in my kitchen, but once I made it through the frames, I headed towards the back to the furniture section.

Now normally, I don't find too many things back there, other than 1980's couches, and way-loved recliners, but I decided to go ahead and look around.  I was making my way through the particle board coffee and end tables when I saw it.....

The ugliest chair ever.

Curiosity got the best of me and I made a mad dash leisurely walked over to it.  Yup, it was ugly all right.  Missing the back cushion, and the cushion that was still on it had definitely seen better maybe in 1983. The arm rests had a decades-worth of gunk built up on them, and the wood had several scratches, nicks, and scrapes.

But the lines were fantastic.

After looking through the holes of the fabric, the foam looked to be covered by some-sort of protector, and was in great shape.  I sat in it and immediately fell in "like" with it.  It would need a ton of work, but it could be beautiful.

The best part, it was only $10.00!

I hemed and hawed around, and had just about decided to just wait until tomorrow and bring Marty back with me to look at it.  I mean, we already have a garage full of stuff to do something with.  But then another woman walked buy and started to look at it, sit in it, look under it....

Woman wanted MY chair!

OK, that was enough for was coming home with me!

If I couldn't fix it, I could always cover it with a sheet and use it on the porch.

I grabbed the ticket, paid for it, and had it loaded in my car.

Ugly chair was coming home with ME!

So y'all want to see my ugly chair?

SEE?  I told you she was BAD!

But, when I got home I found this label and decided to do a little investigating....

Here's what I found out about Marge Carson, Inc.:
Marge Carson manufactures and markets high-end residential furniture, including upholstery, bedrooms, dining rooms, occasional pieces, and decorative accesories Marjorie Reese Carson, an interior designer who was having trouble finding the right pieces for her California clients, founded Marge Carson in 1947. Marjorie felt the only way to be sure of getting the types of furnishings she wanted was to build them herself. Consequently, she hired two upholsterers and began making decorative upholstery in a converted chicken coop.
The company soon flourished and embarked on a series of product expansions and improved production facilities. In 1953, the current factory and offices were built on the original site in Rosemead, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. In 1995, Jim LaBarge purchased Marge Carson from Masco Corporation.
Scale and proportion are the most obvious characteristics of Marge Carson furniture. The pieces are generously scaled compared with most home furnishings. Thanks largely to the influence of Marge Carson, the overscaled California look has since spread throughout the country. Other features typical of Marge Carson Furniture are a mixture of fabrics, materials, textures and decorative finishes that work together to create an ambiance of casual elegance.
Marge Carson defines a category of home furnishings distinguished by casual elegance. Most Marge Carson designs are rooted in tradition, but are given a contemporary twist through the finish or detailing. The Marge Carson look is a combination of style, scale, proportion, and finish and fabric all working in harmony

So, I guess $10.00 isn't too bad of an investment, right?
Now, what do I want to do with this big ol' ugly thing?

Several years ago, while looking on the HGTV Decorating Message Boards, somebody posted a picture of these French Bergere chairs.  They were FANTASTIC and I literally DROOLED over them.  I had them saved on my old computer, and now can't get them out, so I have spent the entire afternoon looking for those chairs.  I didn't find the picture of both of them, but I did find one of them.

Isn't it GORGEOUS?

I know the lines aren't exactly the same, but their styles are similar.  I LOVE THIS CHAIR!  I love the shape, the color and the fabrics, but definitely not the price. It sold online for around $1600!

I know ol' ugly won't ever look this good, but I hope to make it look more like it!

Now like with all of my projects, it won't be done quick, but I hope to at least finish it this year.

Wish me luck!