Monday, February 28, 2011

The Master Closet is finished....for now!

First of all, I would like to thank all of y'all out in Blogland who have inspired me to finally do something with my Master closet.  I've lived with the cluttered, scattered mess for way too long!  I didn't have the time, energy or funds to go "all out" like some bloggers have...with paint, magnificent lighting, and custom cabinets....but I think it turned out great and so far, it works extremely well for us!  I do still want to add a full-length mirror to the end wall, but that will come when I am able to find what I like.

So for now, here is our finished Master Closet:

(After looking at these pictures, I realize the polka dots on those bins are wonky....I may try to turn them around and see if that is better...haha)

Having Marty's uniforms folded on those shelves is working extremely well.  He can grab whatever he needs (long sleeve, short sleeve) and we can tell if I need to wash more uniforms for the week in a glance!

We added a super-soft (and inexpensive) rug to the space.  It feels so good to walk in there bare-footed now.  (and yes, we still have to put the baseboard down on that back

We found these inexpensive shelves at Wal-Mart and they work perfectly to store our shoes.  No more parade of shoes down the wall!

View from back-to-front.

I am SO happy with my new space!
Just to remind you how far this closet has come...



Now, if I can just organize the rest of my house so well!

I am linking to The After Party @ 3 Meadow Lake Cottage.