Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How my husband spent his day off.

Monday, the entire family had the day off.  The schools are closed because of the race (yes, one of our sister schools in the county is literally within a couple of miles from the track, on a main road, so it is very dangerous for the school buses to be in all that traffic).  I took the day off so I wouldn't have to fight I-20 race traffic trying to get to work, and it was Marty's scheduled off day.

Since Marty's day's off are few and far between lately, and since it was such a gorgeous day, he wanted to try to get some work done on the house.  So, instead of doing something easy like cutting our little bit of grass with the riding mower, he decided to start a HUGE project...

He's starting the stacked rock on the foundation!!  I am so stinkin' excited I can't stand it!  I think it's going to make the house look so much better!

I just hope it won't be a long time before he gets another day off work!