Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to my {no longer} little man!

Today my {not so little} man turns NINE!
I don't remember giving him permission to grow up.  I really need to have a talk with him...soon!

Jameson decided on a Lego-themed birthday party, and he also decided to have his party at his favorite place, Party Central. Since his birthday is on Monday, this year, we decided to have the party on Sunday afternoon. The great thing about Party Central is they do all the decorating, serving, and clean-up for you.  All you have to do is bring your camera and a cake.

The bad thing about Party Central is they do all the decorating.  It doesn't leave any room for Mama to get her craft on.  HAHA!  Even though I was itching to bust into some Lego crafts, Jameson was completely satisfied with minimal decorating and little fuss. And after all the drama with the car last week, that was completely fine with me!  LOL
I did manage to make a couple of things.

First, I made the invitations.  I took the picture and put everything together using my Silhouette software.  I had a lot of fun doing it! 
I saw the idea on Pinterest and Jameson loved them.
Goody bags:

Again, I saw this idea on Pinterest.

I even decided to do some cups:

This was actually my own idea, surprise, surprise.  haha!

And I made these super-cute, and pain in the booty, white chocolate Lego minifigures:

These little suckers deserve their own post....I will be working on that!  LOL

After Church, we let Jameson pick where he wanted to go eat.  Of course, he picked the most expensive place ever his favorite place to eat...Fuji.

Then, later in the afternoon, we headed to Party Central to get our groove on!
**warning: lots of pictures ahead!**

Chelsea and her buddy, Megan.


The birthday boy!

My mother-in-law

My niece, Sierra, and my sister-in-law, Kathy.

Jameson and one of his BFF's, Colby.

Sis-in-law-Candie,  Chelsea, niece-Laura, and great niece-Kacie

The whole gang!

Jameson backing up from his sparkler "candle".

This little girl was from some other party.  She just decided to come on in and have herself a snack.  I told her Mama (when I finally found her) that she could stay, but her mother was not so happy with her little girl.


Epic light saber battle.

Spencer, Jerry Ray, and Jameson

Spencer, Jerry Ray, Jameson, and Victoria.

This was the best part of Chelsea's day...Starbucks with her daddy!

We had a really great time, but are completely worn out!  Jameson is just dying because he can't play with ALL of his toys before his bedtime tonight.

Happy Birthday to my precious little man!  I hope it is the best day ever!

I love you more than anything in this world!