Monday, December 12, 2011

It's been a crafty weekend!

Every year at this time, I'm always frantically trying to finish all of the projects I've started.  I drive my family crazy with my last-minute rush to finish everything. 

This year, I'm trying to finish early so I can actually enjoy the holiday.

Believe it or not, all the Christmas decorating is finished (except for the top of the mantle), even the outside.  I'm waiting for a sunny day to actually attempt to take some pictures.  I don't think I've ever been finished this early before.  I'm determined to finish all the crafts I've started, too!

I managed to knock out a ton of things this weekend, I am very happy to say!

I got most of my Christmas cards completed and mailed. 

I ran out of cards before I got one for everyone on my list, so I am waiting for my paper/envelopes to come in the mail so I can get those 100% completed.  I hope they get here soon, because I am about to go nuts!

 I'm finally finished with my Christmas sequel to my Halloween test tube treats.

 (Idea from here)

The tags feature a deer with a sparkly red nose, with a tag that reads "Rudolph's Spares".  

This time, since I only needed red treats, I used M&M's instead of Skittles.  I figured the M&M's would be a breeze to use because I thought they were smaller than Skittles.


Who knew that M&M's were bigger (around) than Skittles?  AND, M&M's are not even in size?  I do now!  I spent so much time hand sorting every single stinkin' M&M that went into all 50 of those test tubes.  The bottom of the test tubes are a fraction of a millimeter smaller than the tops of the tubes.  So, I had to find the smallest diameter M&M's to go in the bottom 1/4 of each tube before filling them the rest of the way.

Never again!  LOL

Even though they were a pain to finish, they still turned out really cute!

Next, I finished a project I had been dreading.

I have a special friend that requested these several months ago, and I finally made myself finish them.  It was so hard to make know, with all the gagging going on, but I think they turned out cute!

Totally kidding Kim!

(If you aren't from the state of Alabama, these are Auburn ornaments.  They are the ultimate football rival to my Alabama Crimson Tide.)

Then I worked on these cute little covers for mini Hershey bars.

(Idea from here)

I would love to say that I am finished with all of them, but these are the only 5 I have done so far.  They take a little longer to complete than I thought they would.  I thought I would wait and finish them when I'm not as tired and have a little more patience.  HAHA!

I finished all my little snowmen that I started on last week.

 (Idea from here)

I just love those funny little faces.

Then, I finally finished all the "Pledge and glitter" ornaments that are all over Pinterest.  I made a few last week, and found them to be quick and easy, but really messy.  I had to make myself get started on them again.  But once I got a rhythm going, it really wasn't too bad at all!  I was able to finish all of them in about an hour (minus the vinyl)!

I thought they were beautiful like this, but I wanted to add a little extra to them.

 I found all this glitter (in a multi-pack) at TJ Maxx for almost nothing.  I think the colors are so pretty in person. The photos don't do these ornaments justice.

These two are for Jameson's teacher.  I'm also planning on giving her a snowman ornament with a pink hat for her baby girl!

 (Idea from here)

I still have a couple more projects to complete, but I don't think it will take too long to finish those.

Wouldn't it be great if I could go into next weekend and have nothing that I have to do other than enjoy the Christmas Holiday with my family?

If that actually happens, I will be sure to let you know, because it will be a FIRST for this Slacker Mama!

I hope you all have a wonderful and fantastic week!