Monday, December 6, 2010

My ribbons are organized!

Several months ago, I was desperate to find some way to store my ribbon.  I had a small plastic container that was just overflowing with spools and spools.  Every time I would dig through the container, half the spools would fall out, and the other half would unwind.  After a few attempts to find something, the container was a complete mess. I could never find what I was looking for.  I knew there had to be a better way to store them.

A Google search showed several different options, but none were right for my particular situation.  

This is a great, inexpensive solution, but I have WAAAY too many spools of ribbon for this to be practical.

This is a neat solution, but my spools are often several yards long, so they would be dragging the ground, plus, I really don't want to risk creasing the ribbon.

Again, great idea, but I don't want to have crease marks in the ribbon.

I love this idea, but I don't have anywhere to put something like this.

I actually tried this, and every single stinkin' spool of ribbon unrolled and puddled in the floor within a 10 second period.  NOT FOR ME!

After hours of searching, I came across this picture (I am so sorry that I cannot find the source...if it is yours, PLEASE let me know!)  This is perfect!  It holds a TON of ribbon, and is short enough to slide under the bed!

So, I went and bought the stuff, and hubby put it together for me.  I managed to get most of my spooled ribbon in it, and have just a small, manageable amount in another box.  You have no idea how happy this little contraption has made me!

You may notice I have a "thing" for red and green ribbon.  Well, most of it will be used for Christmas decorations that I am giving as gifts and selling.  But, some of the identical ribbon is because my old ribbon storage was so bad, I had no clue what I already had.  I hope all my friends/coworkers like red and green!

Yes, some of the rods are a little crooked, but it still works fantastically!

And speaking of Christmas ornaments, I've actually just finished my first official paying order.  I hate charging anyone for them, but since these are for people I don't personally know, I did.  It feels really weird getting paid for something I made.

About half-way through putting everything together, I realized I was short some colors I needed, so hubby decided to try his hand at cutting and rolling the papers.  He did a great job and it helped me tremendously!

I managed to get 10 completed tonight, but I have about 45 left to do over the next couple of weeks. (And TARA, I haven't forgot about you...tell hubby I will get his mailed out this week!  So sorry it has taken me so long!)

My fingers are going to be sooooo tired!