Saturday, May 26, 2012

Graduation Party!

We all had a fantastic time at Chelsea's Graduation Party....once it finally got under-way.

We were really afraid we would NEVER get everything done.  I spent a huge amount of {wasted} time trying to decorate the outside of the house...not realizing it would be 95 degrees out there today.  Needless to say, most of those decorations were seen by only a hand full of people. I literally got in the shower at 12:45, and the party started at 1:00!  It was extremely hectic, but we managed to get almost everything done.  There was a mad flurry of activity in the first 20-or-so minutes of the party, but after that, everything went smoothly.

Chelsea had a great time, and that's really all that matters in the long run.

Now on to the thousands tons of pictures!

Not a party picture, but this was the very last step of the deck project (for now)!


Personalized Hershey's nuggets.

Rice Krispy treats dipped in colored white chocolate.

Colored gumballs.

"Class Rings"

Personalized Hershey's Kisses

Personalized water bottle.

Chocolate dipped Oreos

Marshmallows dipped in colored chocolate.

Treat table

Lion paw prints on all the bowls

Cupcakes made by fabulous SIL, Candie. Toppers by me!

Close-up of toppers

Living room banner.

I even used her gown to decorate the outside!

This is the most action the deck had all day!  LOL

Outside decor.

Front porch. Hubby did a fantastic job fixing everything up!

Lion wreath.

Detail on the fan.

Cutie toy lion.

Chelsea enjoying the party.

Living room banner

Hysterical gift given to her by her cousin, Stephanie.

Receiving the Hunger Games trilogy.

Opening our to see Scotty McCreery in concert!

More living room decor.
book for the party. Book by Shutterfly.

The book is filled with her Senior Portraits.

So, that's the party!

Hubby, the kids and I are taking a little vacation this week (from work, not an actual go-anywhere vacation) and try to recuperate.  I will try to check in when I can!