Saturday, June 5, 2010

I must have a black cloud hovering over my projects!

Why is it that every single stinkin' project I try to do, hits a huge snag hindering it's completion?

I have decided that I am just going to start hiring people to finish every single project I want.

But, I guess that would mean I would have to pay them....

And that may require lots and lots of money...

Money that I don't have....

Money that I won't have unless some long, lost, super-rich relative comes out of the woodwork....




Well, it doesn't look like that's going to happen either.


But, as those of you who had read here for a while, already know that very few of my projects ever get finished.

The fireplace being the biggest and most frustrating of them.

Oh, and we can't forget the microwave surround, either!

But my current project is so stinkin' close to coming together, I am just frustrated to death!

As I mentioned in a couple of earlier posts, I am working on adding storage in my dining room.

It's something that should be so simple to finish...

But it's not happening!


Who knew that finding a 12' long countertop would be so hard and so expensive?

By Thursday night, I was in tears and ready to just trash the whole project.

Fortunately on Friday,  I decided to go look at an out-of-the-way place, and found what we were looking for.

The best part, it was cheap AND they are going to deliver it....

For less money than a shorter countertop without delivery.

However, it's not here yet, and I won't be happy until it's DONE!

And it needs to be done BEFORE Thursday, because hubby is having his second hand surgery then...

AND, some certain young lady will be having her EIGHTEENTH birthday party HERE in two short weeks!
Nothing like working under time constraints to get you moving, huh?

So, if all of you super-talented decorating people out there wouldn't mind.....

Please send some decorating Mo-Jo my way over the next couple of weeks.

And if you have a little extra patience that you wouldn't mind sharing....

I would REALLY appreciate it!