Monday, June 14, 2010

Well, it's only taken us 9 months....

But we FINALLY decided on new cell phones!

At the time, we were sure we were going to stay with T-Mobile, since that's the only provider we've had since 1992 (actually T-Mobile since 1999, but we have stayed with the same service, the names just kept changing).

But, after playing with Chelsea's iPod Touch that she got for Christmas, we were HOOKED!

We knew that if there was any way for us to get one, we would.

Since AT&T's contract was set to expire in 2010, we decided to wait a while to purchase an iPhone, to see if service would be available on Verizon.

Well, around March I saw where AT&T was still going to be the only providers for at least the majority of 2010, so we decided to go ahead and make the switch.

But then rumors of the new iPhone were swirling around everywhere, so we decided to wait for the big reveal in June.

The iPhone 4 looks phenomenal, and we would really like to have one, however, $199 each for two phones is just way more than we want to spend on cell phones...

SO, we opted for the now reduced 3GS, 16GB phone.

It's still a fantastic phone, with a good bit of memory, at a great price!

The only problem is, once the iPhone 4 is released, the 3GS is only going to be offered in the 8GB version, and at the same price that some places (Wal-Mart) were selling the 16GB for....

So, we had to buy fast, before they were all gone!

They just came today and we have had a blast playing with them!

(Photo from

Our wi-fi works great with it, and we have excellent, clear phone service.....

That is, once we realized we had to remove the protective plastic cover from the speaker and could actually HEAR the phone conversation....


Anyway, so far we LOVE our phones and can't wait to see what new things we can find!

For those of y'all who have iPhones, what are some of your favorite apps?


Oh, and thanks to EVERYONE who offered advice for Chelsea's party!  Y'all have given me such great ideas, I'm going to have to either trim them down some, or make the party even bigger!

I've managed to find black and white damask fabric to use for the table clothes, hot pink, black, and silver tissue paper to make those pom-pom flowers, hot pink, black and silver tulle to drape over everything, silver and hot pink plates and napkins, and paper to make a Happy Birthday banner. 

My super-sweet friend, Teri, has volunteered to make the cake...and I know it will be fabulous!

AND, we finally got the cabinets/countertop arranged in the dining room, (thanks to my nephew and brother-in-law!) and I hope to have everything put up and decorated in the next few days!

I will post pics when it is a little better organized!