Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scott Market finds!

Here is part THREE of my adventures at the Scott Antique Market with my friend, Tracie.  If you missed the first two parts, here they are:

As much as I wanted a few things I found....

Size limitations and/or wallet limitations dictated what I was actually able to buy.

A few things did manage to come home with me though...

This adorable little cast iron bunny was the very first thing that caught my eye.  Is he antique?  No.  Is he a rare, priceless treasure?  No.  But he was precious and immediately reminded me of my buddy, LouCinda at Tattered Hydrangeas.  I bought him to go in my mail sorter that's hanging on my living room wall, but he was just a little too big.  For now, he's proudly sitting on my mantle.

These probably fall under the "What the Heck!" category.  These are little bundles of wool, formed to make sheep.  The people I bought these from actually raise the sheep and use the wool from them.  They had a whole basket of them and two were just begging to go home with me.

I found the bottom fabric in a HUGE pile of remnants.  I was so excited because it actually matched my new Master Bedroom bedding (top fabric) that came in the mail right before I left on my adventure!  I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it, but I'm sure I can figure out something!

This is the silverware I got from the "zorter" I talked about yesterday.  I got all these pieces for $5.00!

I plan on using the above silverware to make something like this for my dining room or kitchen.  Made by LouCinda from Tattered Hydrageas last year.  I've been drooling over these ever since!

And finally, I got these cheap set of cast iron keys from the same place I got the bunny.  No, it's not vintage or antique, but I'm sure I can find something creative to do with them!

(BTW, isn't that fabric beautiful?  I can't wait to get it on my bed to see how it looks!)

So, all my finds just go to show that even if you have a very tiny budget, you can still find some cute things at Scott's!