Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scott Antique Market, Part 2

Sorry for the little delay with my Best Weekend Ever follow-up posts, but I am just trying to recover from a couple of horrific work days.  Who knew that working in a doctor's office could be so stressful?

Anyway, on to part TWO of my trip to Scott Antique Market with my friend, Tracie!

(To read Part ONE, go HERE!)

Tracie did her post yesterday, and I must say, it is fabulous!  So, I definitely recommend you visiting her blog, Tale of Many Cities, and see all of her wonderful photos!  I had my big, heavy camera, so it ended up staying hooked on my bag most of the day, so I didn't get many pictures.  Tracie was nice enough to let me share some of hers....they are marked with her watermark.

Thank you Tracie!

Tracie picked me up at my hotel around 7:45 (AM!) and we headed out to find breakfast.  We first found the venue and then headed out looking for somewhere good to eat.  After driving through some less-than-desirable locations, we finally found a Dwarf House/Chick-fil-A.  And you KNOW how much I love me some Chick-fil-A!  Since it was a Dwarf House restaurant, they had a buffet, complete with waffles and chicken!  YUMMY!  Once we stuffed our faces, we headed out to our destination.

Now be prepared for TONS of photos of some amazing things!

Since we were this side of the Interstate, we decided to visit the "South" location, first.  This is just a teeny-tiny section of the was HUGE!  Like the size of a football stadium HUGE!

Here we are....two gals ready to start the day!

(The picture I took showed one of Tracie's eyeballs, and my nose I used her's instead...haha)

This is the very first thing we saw....before we even started!  So cute!

One of Tracie's friends told her to start with the outdoor vendors first...we did and we are so glad we did!  The people we met outside were AMAZING!  Next time, we will probably spend the majority of our time here!

Billy Jack and Jeff Clayton had this tent full of a lot of cast iron trinkets, and handmade benches...

The bench on the bottom went home with Tracie!

This is Mark.  His tent was right next to Billy Jack and Jeff's.  He was so hysterically funny (as was Billy Jack).  We started with them, and came back to them when we were done for the day.

I loved these antique dolls.  My mother was a doll collector (until they were all lost in a fire) and I just know she would love all of these!

Tracie bought these precious plates from Mark.

Check out these unusual ? hardware storage bins:

Aren't these triangular drawers so interesting?

Doors anyone?

Metalwork for days....

Tracie and I both loved this piece!  Such fantastic storage possibilities!

LOOK!  It's my ugly chair's kin-folk!  
At least I know what the back cushion is supposed to look like now!

This is one of the two things I really, really wanted.  It would be perfect for my dining room and the price was phenomenal!  BUT, I had no clue how I would have been able to get it back to Alabama.

Look at the detail!  Looking at these pictures makes me want it all over again!

The owner of this booth, Laura Murphy, was so interesting.  She is a self-proclaimed "zorter".  Her and her daughter help hoarders clean out their spaces.....just like the show.  However, Laura has been doing this for decades! need to look this woman up!

I did manage to buy something at this booth, however.  She had amazing prices on old silverware.  I sense a dining room project coming soon!

This made me laugh hysterically!  This is an antique delivery chair.  What made it so funny is I am an OB/GYN nurse....there is NO WAY I can imagine today's women delivering while sitting on one of these things.  My co-workers got a huge kick out of this!

After TWO HOURS, we finally made it inside of the FIRST building.  I seriously fell in love with this hot air balloon art.  It matched PERFECTLY with my new master bedroom bedding (which came in Friday...YAYYYY).

This is the second thing that I really, really wanted.  If it had been just a little less expensive, I would have totally bought this.  I just couldn't justify spending that much money on something that was so small. 

Yes, these are crock incredible!

One of the main themes seemed to be burlap/linen covered EVERTHING.

Peter was one of the most interesting people we met inside.  His work, made of reclaimed barnwood was gorgeous.  Just look at this stand!

Loving this embossed, metal-covered table and bench.


Those legs in the mirror are hysterical!

I LOVED every single thing in this booth!

I am so going to make some of these silver trays!

This drum shade was HUGE!

This chest was painted/distressed beautifully.  I love the style of this, even though the gray wouldn't match anything in my house.

I loved this intact mail sorter/window.  I also took this picture for my mom to see.  I'm sure it would bring back memories for her!  (She worked in the post office for 30+ years)

Tracie fell in LOVE with this cabinet!  We are looking for ways to recreate this same look.

I loved this shade!

I totally want this pillow...but for $'s a little too rich for my blood!

We spent the majority of the day outside and inside of the "South" building.  We drove over to the "North" building after lunch, but the prices were SO outrageous, we didn't stay there very long.  We both agreed that we would focus on the "South" side next time.

We had such a fantastic time!  I can't wait to do it again!

In my next post, I will show you the few little things I did buy!