Monday, March 14, 2011


WOW!  What a weekend!  After months of freezing cold, three snow "events" and a week filled with heavy rains and flooding, this weekend proved to me that Spring is definitely right around the corner!  Blue skies, warmer temps, slight breezes....PERFECT weather for a spur-of-the-moment adventure.

I guess not all of the weekend was spur-of-the-moment.  You see, me and one of my longest blogger buddies ever, Tracie from A Tale of Many Cities,
have been planning on getting together ever since she moved to Atlanta 8 months ago.  For any of you who have been reading my blog for a while, Tracie is the fantastically talented lady who made the incredible custom necklace for Chelsea's 17th birthday.  Well, you know how life, and kids, and finances, and health tend to get in the way, and we just weren't able to get our ducks in a row and make it happen.  So, in January, we made a pact to get together in 2011!  
After coordinating our schedules, we decided early March would be the perfect time to make it happen.  It just so happened that Scott Antique Markets was having a show the second weekend in March....PERFECT!  The closer the trip got, the more excited I became.
BUT, you know me, the closer the trip got, the more nervous I got, too.  I mean, I was just plain giddy getting to finally meet Tracie in person, but all of the other stuff that goes along with it....driving in a big city, not knowing anybody, how stinking early I would have to get up to make it to Atlanta (which is in a DIFFERENT time zone) in time to eat breakfast and make it there early...all of the other junk that runs through my head when I venture out into the unknown:

I don't know WHY I get so worked up about it....I mean, I ALWAYS have the time of my life when I do step out of my comfort zone.  Maybe one day I will be able to get my stress level under control. HAHA!
So on Thursday, when Marty and I were driving home from Birmingham (I will blog about that little trip later), I just casually mentioned how I wish everybody could come with me to Atlanta.  Well, a conversation ensued and by the the end of the evening, we had a new plan, a hotel room booked, and dinner plans with Tracie and her husband for Friday night!

As soon as Marty got off work Friday night, we were on our way!  After getting delayed in Atlanta traffic, we finally made our way to the restaurant.

Oh.My.Goodness.  We had the absolute BEST time with Tracie and Kevin!  We talked, and talked, and laughed, and talked some more.  Oh, and I guess we did manage to eat some too!  (Well, I didn't get to eat that much...Jameson and I shared a plate because we were warned the portions were HUGE, and that little booger ate 3/4ths of it!)  It was like we had known each other forever!  Tracie also surprised me with this incredibly beautiful necklace that she made:

Look at how cute her packaging is!

The above photo is from Tracie.....since my horrible photography skills just can't do this gorgeous necklace justice!  I have DROOLED over this necklace ever since I first saw it.  I was in total shock when she gave it to me!

We were literally the last people in the restaurant, so when they kicked us out we left there and went to McDonald's for coffee, sweets, and more conversation.

By the end of the evening, our sides were hurting from laughing, and our faces had permanent smiles.  We had a GREAT time!

Tracie and her husband, Kevin

Tracie, Me, and my chins (and look! Gas is $3.59/gallon!)

And Tracie even managed to grab a squeeze from Jameson!

(Chelsea doesn't do too well with "spur-of-the-moment", and decided she would have a much better time staying with her Nana)

Friday night was just the beginning...stay tuned for part two our adventures!


Many thoughts and prayers out to everyone who have been touched by the horrible earthquakes and tsunamis over the past few days.  It's bad enough to have the earthquakes, but then further devastation from the tsunamis and now a possible radiation threat....please God be with these people!  We have family that were in Hawaii during the tsunamis, and thank goodness they are safe.