Monday, April 4, 2011

An almost perfect weekend!

If we (ie: my family) were to look up "almost perfect weekend" in the dictionary, this weekend would be it's definition.

After a L-O-N-G week of gray skies, wind, rain, hail and storms, the weather this weekend was absolutely beautiful!  Gorgeous blue skies, sunshine, and 80 degree temps.  Everyone in the family was well AND in a great mood, which was particularly strange since somebody in this family was having a dreaded birthday...

The weekend actually started Friday night, with a visit from one of Marty's sisters (one of SIX) and nephew.  We had a great visit and Jameson was in Heaven having another little boy to play with.  

We got to sleep in on Saturday morning, and then just had a lazy morning.  Marty and Jameson decided to go visit the adoption pets at Pet Smart and almost came home with a cat.  I made Marty his favorite dessert of Strawberry/Pineapple cobbler and was smart enough NOT to put the candles in the boiling hot cobbler this year!  
Since everyone was home and dressed to go out, we attempted to get some pictures of the family...

 This is Marty trying to keep his eyes open...haha!

Then later in the day, we did a little shopping and went out to eat with our friends Clay, Julie and Mallory.  Marty specifically requested to get to play with Mallory as one of his birthday wishes.  And he got his wish!

We had a great meal and even better conversation with some of our favorite people and Marty got a little bit of a "baby fix" too!

Sunday morning we went to Church, got a little more Clay/Julie/Mallory "fix", and went to one of our little favorite places to eat, Jefferson's.

Chelsea was thrilled she got to see one of her "best friends" who works there (Hey Brookie!!)  and we were thrilled to be eating some of our favorite food!

After the food, we went to see Hop...

It was a really cute movie.  Jameson loved all the music and the animated  characters, and Chelsea was in love with just one thing, errr, person...

(From here)

James Marsden (he's the hottie in the center, if you didn't know).  She used to have a crush on him back when he was in X-Men, Enchanted, and 27 Dresses, but had moved on to "other" various television and movie stars.  But after seeing him today in this movie, she's back to full-on James Marsden crush again.


What am I going to do with this girl?

Anyway, after the movie, we did a little more window shopping and then Marty and Chelsea made a little detour to Starbucks to bond over some "Tall Bold" and "Caramel Macchiato".

The day ended with me and Chelsea watching the Country Music Awards (where Chelsea was super-stoked by a surprise appearance of Steven Tyler singing with Carrie Underwood (another one of her "crushes") while Jameson and Marty enjoyed playing a heated round of Star Wars III on the Playstation.

I know to most people, this sort of weekend sounds pretty tame and boring, but for us, it was almost perfect!