Monday, December 13, 2010

My latest project.

A few weeks ago, I got a very special request in my e-mail.  An acquaintance wanted to do something very special and meaningful for their partner for Christmas; a memorial shadow box.  She lost her little boy on the day he was born, due to prematurity.  Seeing as this hit so close to home for me, I couldn't say no.

She had one picture, an outfit and his tiny hat.  I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to make something memorable and fitting.  I've never even really seen a shadow box in person.  I poured over websites and blogs, and spent I-don't-know-how-long walking through the isles of Hobby Lobby looking for just the right "thing".  I bought several little things, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't make them work together.

Finally, I just stopped working on it for a few days while I tried to think of how I could put everything together.

As I was going to bed one night, it hit me!  It was too late to start anything that night, but as soon as I got up the next morning, I went to work.  I figured out that I could make exactly what I needed, instead of trying to force the things I bought to work.

Here is the final project:

That seam under the "S" bothers the mess out of me, but it's really not that noticeable in person.

I was so happy (and relieved) with how it turned out.  It was just the look I was going for.

I had several strips of scrapbook paper left, so I decided to quickly put together an ornament for her, too.

It matched the shadowbox perfectly!

Cashes' mom ended up getting the gift early, and she immediately sent me a note saying she loved the shadowbox and the ornament.

That made all the worry and stress completely worth it!